Wax - Cobblers Wax

Wax - Cobblers Wax


Semperfli Cobblers Wax is a hard block wax, ideal for all dubbing applications and application to GSP type threads to remove slipping. Excellent when tying with fine dubbings or other various fly tying materials is much easier when adding a bit of wax to your tying thread! Perfect when you're dubbing on the thread directly, with the split-thread-technique, or in the loop.

Semperfli Cobblers Wax is a true classic and its receipe hasn't changed at all over the decades. Because of this it is very much appreciated by all traditional and classic fly dressers who love to make old salmon flies and soft hackle flies such as North Country spiders or other wets. This is a  must-have product to tie flies in hands.